Heart Matters.
Grow your heart.
Engage. Grow. Excite.

Heartfelt Leadership
The Essence of Leadership Leadership is a broad concept, one that holds varying significance for different people. However, in its most basic form, leadership can be defined as the ability to influence others towards achieving a common goal. This simple definition, however, does not capture the true essence of what

Relationships with Ourselves #Matter
Lately, I’ve been thinking about our relationship with ourselves being one of the most important relationships we will ever have. So often, we focus on making sure that we fill the cups of others. We inadvertently neglect to make time to commune with ourselves. It occurred to me today that

Dreams as Anchors: Finding Strength and Renewal in the Face of Adversity
There may be times you want to throw in the towel and abort your mission. This journey we’re on requires physical and emotional stamina. When you feel as though you have nothing left , dare to dream. Dream of the day where there is nothing missing and nothing broken.

Blessings Forward: Paying Tribute to the Heroes Behind My Recovery
As survivors, we’re normally the individuals who are viewed as warriors. However, I believe the true warriors are those families, friends, church members, coworkers, and strangers who stood in the gap for us as the true heroes. We SALUTE you!

Together in Healing: Building a Safe Haven for Resilience and Hope
Our positive energy can change the trajectory of any situation. Today, I want you to acknowledge the same ability within yourselves. The ability to draw the positive from any challenging situation in your life doesn’t just belong to me; it’s yours too. No one told us this journey would be easy, and they sure never told us that it would be this difficult. Now that we know, let’s lean on each other in this safe place we’ve created for ourselves. I promise to meet you here often to discuss our journey. Until then, continue to focus on The Matters of YOUR Heart!