Services that inspire.
Engage. Grow. Excite.
Grow your leadership talents.
Keynote Speaker

Leadership Consultant
Keynote Speaker ↓
A 60-minute speech that can be tailored to the theme or topic of an event to motivate and inspire leadership principles.
Individual workshop sessions designed to support the specific goals in your business and a robust plan to support those goals.
Individual leadership sessions with leaders to assist with equipping them with the tools to promote buy-in from staff and a robust plan to support that leader.
Overall theme:
Equipping leaders to lead. We will discuss the tools needed to be a successful leader. Each event will have actionable takeaways for the audience to put into action right away.
Actionable Takeaways:
A strategic plan to support your organization’s goals is equipped with actionable steps to get there and monitor the process.
Leadership sessions are catered to each desired outcome. Leaders will have a plan with actionable steps to achieve and sustain buy-in and frequent leadership support to monitor the leader. The plan is based on each organization’s needs.
- Leadership sessions are catered to each desired outcome. A plan with actionable steps on how to achieve and sustain buy-in and frequent leadership support to monitor the leader. This is based on each organizations need.
60-minute speech that can be tailored to the theme or topic of an event to motivate and inspire leadership principles.
Overall theme:
Pursuit of Purpose. This is a motivational speech directed towards teachers and district leaders on the why behind the roles they play. In these challenging times, we help to reframe societal issues and equip them will the tools they need like mindful practices and tips to navigate leadership challenges.
Actionable Takeaways:
- Discuss targeted leadership plan, strategy and how the plan will align with your school or district plan .
- Create and activate a vigorous strategy designed to meet your organization’s needs, then monitor your progress and adjust the plan as needed.
A 60-minute keynote speech that can be tailored to the theme or topic of an event to motivate and inspire leadership principles.
Overall theme:
Purpose Awakening. This speech focuses on how God opened my eyes to our purpose and what ultimately matters in the end. This speech will be told in a story format about my life-altering experience and how God has guided me to purpose and shown me how to look at life in a fundamentally different way. This will have actionable takeaways on how to navigate leadership roles in a church community and become better leaders.
Actionable Takeaways:
- Book signing with specific messages catered to each person.
- Meet and greet and photos taken with the author.
- Support group opportunity available at the request of the Pastor.
Leadership Consultant ↓
Format: Night and weekend times. A 60-minute online meeting with either individuals or groups.
- Individual workshop sessions designed to support the specific goals in your business and a robust plan to support those goals.
- Individual leadership sessions with leaders to assist with equipping them with the tools to promote buy-in from staff and a robust plan to support that leader.
Purpose: To strengthen and increase a leader’s current skill set and empower them with the tools they need to promote a vision for an organization. They will also learn skills to develop and build healthy relationships, which is the cornerstone of exceptional leadership.
Meeting Topics:
- How to establish credibility with employees or students.
- How to develop and build relationships.
- How to have hard conversations with employees.
- How to create a plan of action to address certain issues.
- How to coach struggling teachers or school district leaders.
- Individual teacher development.
- Employee development.
Actionable Takeaways:
- Recorded class for later viewing.
- Materials on the tools/tips they need to develop or resolve the above topics.