
Together in Healing: Building a Safe Haven for Resilience and Hope

I’m convinced that this journey we’re on was never meant to be fair. In my own way, I know my story helps others. However, if I’m being honest with my heart community, I admit it’s hard and sometimes it hurts. Every little ache and pain reminds me that I’m not like everyone else. Honestly, it scares me. Yet, I’m extremely grateful because I know not everyone escapes the widow maker.

While reflecting, I began thinking about how faith, determination, and grit can shift our energy within seconds. I had a few god-awful days this week. All I could think about was how I wished things were different. I cried huge, ugly tears of anguish. Once my moment was over, I was left with the reality that only I can repair my brokenness. I became determined to look for the positive in my situation. Friends, I decided to hold on to my inner wholeness. Our positive energy can change the trajectory of any situation. Today, I want you to acknowledge the same ability within yourselves. The ability to draw the positive from any challenging situation in your life doesn’t just belong to me; it’s yours too. No one told us this journey would be easy, and they sure never told us that it would be this difficult. Now that we know, let’s lean on each other in this safe place we’ve created for ourselves. I promise to meet you here often to discuss our journey. Until then, continue to focus on The Matters of YOUR Heart!


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